Pup 'n' Taco T-shirt Black Old School Shirts
Pup 'n' Taco T-shirt grey Old School Shirts
Pup 'n' Taco T-shirt Yellow Old School Shirts

Pup 'n' Taco

Pup 'n' Taco was a popular fast food chain in Los Angeles. It served featured hot dogs (thus the "pup" tacos, tostadas, pastrami sandwiches, burgers, and fries. Russell Wendell started in the restaurant business in 1956 with Big Donut. He introduced Pup 'n' Taco in 1965. In 1984, most of the restaurants locations were acquired by Taco Bell. 
Subtotal: $30.00
SKU: CNOS-00403-S

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Pup 'n' Taco T-shirt Black Old School Shirts

Pup 'n' Taco


Pup 'n' Taco

Garment: Unisex T-Shirt
Color: Black
Size: S